



Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry goal is to support women in their relationship with God so that we might experience the freedom to become all that God intends us to be.

Women's Ministry is a time for women of all ages to come together and grow closer to God together through prayer, teaching and open discussion that allows a woman to simply be a woman. We believe that all women are made beautiful and God takes great delight in His daughters.  


Men's Ministry

Our Men's ministry goal is to encourage, equip, and inspire men to live passionately courageous for Jesus.

Men's Ministry is a great time in which guys of all ages come together and enjoy breakfast, coffee and growing in the Lord. This is a time to develop personal friendships that carry on year after year built on trust and the Word of God. Every man desires adventure. What greater adventure is there than to live a life for the creator of the universe!






Wednesday Ministry

Eastgate Community Church provides an outreach program on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00.  Bus transportation is provided in certain areas of the community from September through May.

Treasure Seekers has classes available from age 4 through the sixth grade. 

Activities include worship, puppet and pirate skits, videos, Bible lessons, games, and snacks. 

Velocity Youth is available for 7th through 12th grades.

Activities include Bible lessons, games, snacks, and fellowship.


Sunday Ministry

Eastgate Community Church offers Children's Church for ages 4 through fifth grade and nursery care for children 3 and under.

Children first gather together in the Church for Praise and Worship. Afterward is a time of activities including a Bible lessons, games, and treats.

Children will enjoy a time of learning and growing with other kids!






Grow Groups

- Classes for married couples

- Finance classes

- Spiritual Development classes


Disc Golf Course

 - 18 Hole disc golf course open to the public


Parish Nursing

 - Blood pressure checks